Art on stamps
Sunday, January 22, 2006
  Rafael stamps from La Poste

Of course, as I added the link to Art on stamps in my previous posting, I had to check it out again, saw the posting on the new Rafael stamps from La Poste (France) and the Vatican, and immediately had to order them...

You are hereby warned: checking out that webpage may inspire purchases... :-)
  Art on stamps website
Lots to do at work lately, so no updates. That will change. But in the mean time, I should point everyone to the Art on stamps webpage - a wonderful resource.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
  Art on stamps
As mentioned in my main blog, I have started collecting stamps with art on it. Well, what I've done so far is to buy a packet of 2,000 stamps with art, and sorted them by century and artist. Soon, it will be time to think of how I want this collection to continue.

I'm starting this blog to post on some of the favorite stamps I've got so far, and on the artists I like the most.

And I'll start, naturally, in Norway, with the stamps with Munch's art:

These were published by the Norwegian post in 1963, and show four of Edvard Munch's artworks, including his self portrait "Self portrait with skeleton arm", which I like a lot. (The skeleton arm is not visible in the stamp, sadly.)

My Photo
Location: Oslo, Norway

I'm 48, living in Oslo (the capital of Norway), working in teacher education (mathematics). Living a quiet life (but not in desperation) with the wonderful love of my life. I laugh a lot. After all, there's a lot to laugh about in this world, isn't there?

January 2006 /

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